It's time to truly thrive.

  • Connect

    Learn to listen to the wisdom of your own body. Deepen appreciation for your individual constitution and find out how to honor your unique path to balance through simple diet and lifestyle shifts.

  • Nourish

    Understand how, what and when to eat for your mind body type. Optimize the way you nourish your body to enhance nutrient absorption, sustain energy, and provide greater clarity of mind.

  • Heal

    Experience greater inspiration, less stress, better sleep, improved mood, and glowing skin by activating full body awareness. Integrate routines, remedies and rituals to that work for your lifestyle.

Self care is the first step.

Collective wellness is the solution.

The purpose of self care is ultimately to enable us to take care of others. Not only is self care a form of rebellion, it also invites us to find greater clarity of mind, more time to organize, and energy to activate change. When you cultivate balance within your own body and mind, you are able to bring more harmony to your family, community and the planet.

Build the Foundation

Deepen your understanding of yourself and the world through the lens of Ayurveda.

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.

— Audre Lorde

Each Lifestyle Program Offers

Engage with these tools to fully integrate your learning.

  • Lessons + videos packed with valuable information

  • Integrative support in the form of quizzes + reflection questions

  • In class worksheets + exercises to apply knowledge right away

  • PDF handouts with guides, remedies + recipes

  • Active discussion forums for engagement + community building

  • Focused goals + takeaways to implement after each lesson

  • Private email access to instructor(s)

  • Daily Wellness Routine Checklist Template

  • A Guided Meditation


Here's what people are saying about our programs

I enjoyed everything about this program.

Dominique S.

I absolutely enjoyed your program! For me, this program helped me to re-parent myself. From the massages to making myself warming foods, it made me think about nourishment in all areas in my life. I am more mindful on how and where I am nourishing myself. Or, where I am lacking nourishment. I love the flow of the program. Everything was structured so well and extremely organized. The e-book was beautifully designed. I enjoyed everything about this program. What was also important to me was the love and authenticity that was put into this program. You can feel it. Energy is so real! I’m so grateful and thankful to have the reset my spirit was calling for. My nervous system needed it. This was all truly divine.

An incredible resource

by Haley Myers

As a freelancer, I have often struggled with how best to organize my various work tasks during the course of a day, from paperwork to creative efforts. This course was exactly what I needed to learn how to understand myself--my work style and energy--in a way that allows me to confidently manage my time and tasks while staying healthy and avoiding burning out. Learning how to balance my schedule from an Ayurvedic perspective has helped me optimize and enjoy my work day and time off more than any other approach I have yet tried, and this course is chalk-full of valuable information and resources about how to do so. I will definitely be continuing on to parts 2 and 3.

Small Acts of Routine Care

Alexis Hermis

Wow, I feel so supported by this course. Molly is a great guide through these difficult times of trying to keep my balance while working from home. This course inspired me to draw lines between the work I do for pay and the work I do to keep myself well, as they are related! I don't know much about Ayurveda, but I never felt lost in the information. I think as an Ayurveda beginner or expert, this course has content that is understandable and potent. I loved the reflection questions and having the guidance to keep myself accountable to daily acts of routine care to maximize my productivity, health, and mental wellbeing. Thank you so much!

Insightful and Inspiring

Chelsey L

This was truly one of the most insightful, inspiring and successful experiences I've ever had. Though I had some former knowledge of ayurveda this course took my awareness to a new level. All of the content was easy to follow and understand and I felt really held through this cleansing process. It was amazing to see actually improvements with my digestion and overall vitality. I even kicked my caffeine addiction through the process! Sierra and Molly have put their hearts and souls into this and their expertise shines through. I look forward to joining the next Reset with them!

Meet Your Guides

Founders of Cultivate Balance

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioners, Wellness Educators Molly & Sierra of Cultivate Balance

Sierra Brashear, MA, and Molly McConnell, RYT 500, are both NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioners and graduates of Alandi Ashram’s 2,000+ hour, National Ayurvedic Medical Association certified program. In addition to our formal training, we have both experienced firsthand the amazing wellness transformations catalyzed by Ayurveda, and are advocates for preventative wellness, body-positivity and self love in our daily lives. We believe that self care is a radical act — when you are vibrant and awake, you have the clarity and energy to show up for what you believe in — and we understand that balancing ourselves is the foundation for balancing our families, communities and the planet. With this in mind, we are committed to shifting humanity’s lived experience through respect for and realignment with nature. We source inspiration from the rhythms and elements of the Earth, knowing that this is the wild reclamation of our ability to heal ourselves and transform the world around us.

4 practices. 21 days.

Consistency is key.

In The Basic Balance Challange (a FREE mini-course) you'll learn how to enhance your wellness with just four very simple practices so that you can build your own daily routine! We will teach you how and when to do the practices — and explain WHY they work.