Intentional Lifestyle Design for Purpose-Oriented People

Are you ready to embody radical self care to live a more meaningful life?


    PURSUE YOUR PASSION by organizing your day to enhance energy, decrease stress, improve sleep, achieve goals, and support your emotional wellbeing — cultivating a strategic approach to stay motivated and inspired.


    CULTIVATE CONNECTION by understanding other’s strengths, challenges, and individual approaches through the lens of Ayurveda — creating collaborative communities in which everyone feels seen and valued for their contributions.


    MAKE A DEEPER IMPACT by putting systems in place to reduce stress and burnout — giving yourself more space to identify the intersection of your skills, values and highest purpose in order to meet the needs of humanity.

Radical simply means grasping at the root.

— Angela Davis

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Why I created this program

Live Intentionally

Inspire true alignment of intention and action.

Learn to foster a more strategic approach to living a meaningful life that enables personal and collective wellness — using the wisdom of Ayurveda. Revitalize your work/life balance by refining your routine to enhance workflow and ease, optimize team dynamics for greater collaboration and appreciation, and support long-term wellbeing through daily rejuvenation techniques. Connect more deeply with yourself, your community, and your purpose.

The Art of Work Life Balance | 3-part program

Intentional Lifestyle Design for Purpose-Oriented People

PART 1 | Aligned Energy to Pursue Your Passion

Align your energy to develop a daily routine based on the influence of the elements in order to connect to greater creativity, focus, and self-reliance. Set yourself up to feel good, accomplish goals, and access flow-states everyday.

PART 2 | Communication and Appreciation to Cultivate Connection

Discover tools to enhance communication and improve collaboration for more innovation and enjoyment. Learn to appreciate your team/community in new ways that inspire collective confidence and connection.

PART 3 | Holistic Stress Relief to Make a Deeper Impact

Support your long-term goals and wellbeing through specialized rejuvenation techniques for stress reduction and burnout prevention. Establish the structures to allow replenishment to be a part of your work, your activism, and your commitment to your family. 

Rooted in Ayurveda, our wellness systems weave ancient wisdom for holistic healing into the modern context. We seek to ensure this powerful knowledge is accessible to all who desire to embark on a journey of renewal.

Get a Feel for the Program

(sneak preview)

Access Exclusive Resources

Get everything you need to establish holistic work/life balance and to make a deeper impact.

  • 7 hours of in-depth of video lectures

  • 8+ hours of additional video guidance

  • 12 dynamic downloads (checklists, worksheets, templates, guides, charts)

  • 16 engaging activities

  • 6 guided breathing exercises

  • 6 guided visualizations/meditations — downloadable audio

  • 3 nourishing yoga classes

  • 6+ Ayurvedic recipes and remedies

  • 6 quizzes to test your learning

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this program for?

    This program is for people who want to connect more deeply with themselves, their communities and their purpose. Entrepreneurs, activists, organizers, teachers, parents, corporate employees.... for people who are working hard and holding a lot.

  • When will I have access to the course content?

    Once enrolled, you will have immediate access to all three courses in the program. The Art of Work Life Balance is a self-paced journey.

  • Where does this program take place?

    The Art of Work Life Balance is a fully remote learning opportunity — this virtual program can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, and you will implement the practices in your own home or space. Cultivate Balance is based in Boulder, Colorado and we are proud to offer our online course content to participants all over the world.

  • How long does the program take to complete?

    The Art of Work Life Balance is designed to let you move at your own pace. You will find notes on recommended pacing throughout, to encourage pause for reflection and integration. Most people complete all three courses in 6 to 12 weeks. Depending on your preferred pace, plan to spend 1-3 hours engaging with course materials each week.

  • How do you intend to make these courses accessible?

    Our goal is for this program to be accessible in terms of cost and commitment. We offer sliding scale through a “pay what you can” model. This is specifically offered to benefit low income individuals/families, those disproportionately affected by the pandemic, students and employees of non-profits. You can help keep this program available to all by supporting our work to the best of your ability. We also offer scholarships based on need. Please email [email protected] for more information.

  • What is radical self care?

    Radical self care is an alternative to engaging with failing systems, corporate interests and the notion that we are incomplete or unworthy. Knowing your true self, reconnecting with the parts of yourself that you love most, and designing your life to support your deepest wellness, are all acts of resistance. Not only is self care a form of rebellion, it also invites us to find greater clarity of mind, more time to organize, and energy to activate change. Radical self care is an invitation to live more intentionally.

  • What is Ayurveda?

    An ancient medical science, Ayurveda offers a rich, deep and dynamic body of knowledge that supports holistic wellness on a deep level. Believed to be the oldest system of healing on Earth, Ayurveda is distinct in that it tailors preventative wellness, as well as the treatment of acute and chronic conditions, to the unique constitution of the individual. The focus is on bringing the elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) within the individual’s body back into balance, as it is the imbalance and provocation of the elements that are the cause of any kind of disease. You can think of Ayurveda as the art of living in relation(ship) to the world around us.

  • Who is Cultivate Balance?

    Cultivate Balance is a wellness practice that is rooted in Ayurveda, weaving ancient wisdom for holistic healing into the modern context. Founders Molly McConnell and Sierra Brashear are clinical Ayurvedic practitioners who believe that self care is a radical act — when you are vibrant and awake, you have the clarity and energy to show up for what you believe in. The Cultivate Balance approach to wellness inspires a deep understanding and appreciation for the individual in a way that is soulful, embodied and accessible. Through personal consultations and educational opportunities, Molly and Sierra work to inspire individuals to reclaim their self love and live their deepest expression of wellness through easy-to-implement nutrition, daily routine and self care rituals. The goal is to nurture yourself so you can nurture the world. Now, more than ever, we are being called to return home to ourselves and the Earth.

  • How do I know that the Cultivate Balance approach is for me?

    Our approach to wellness invites a deep understanding and appreciation for your individuality, offering self care practices that inspire you to celebrate your strengths and overcome your you can show up to do your life’s work. The focus is on nutrition, lifestyle routines and self care practices that support you in honoring the most balanced expression of your authentic nature. It is by reclaiming internal balance that your body can heal itself and lasting wellness becomes available. Rooted in Ayurveda, our wellness systems weave ancient wisdom for holistic healing into the modern context. We seek to ensure this powerful knowledge is accessible to all who desire to embark on a journey of renewal.

Tired of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

Rejuvenation is possible.

At Cultivate Balance, we are constantly listening and learning (unlearning), reading and writing — and reflecting on ways to take thoughtful and effective action to enhance our contributions to the world in order to make a deeper impact. And we want you to be able to make a deeper impact too. 

A key component of being able to make more effective contributions to the world is to practice using your tools for stress relief.

In this comprehensive program, we will explore a variety of radical self care practices that will support you to replenish yourself along the revolutionary (and often stressful) journey of being human during a transformative time.

Collectively, we have a lot of work to do to build a more equitable and inclusive world... which means that sometimes — maybe often — we will feel tired and uncomfortable. But, we cannot let the discomfort hold us back from making an impact in meaningful ways. Instead, we must notice our discomforts and find ways to honor them, to move them, and to stay present with ourselves.

What if you could access flow-states of focus and inspiration every day?

How would it feel to connect more deeply with your purpose? 

What do you believe is possible for your life?

Learn How To

Actively engage in the process of returning to your center to make a deeper impact.

  • Structure your day to access different types of work-flow (e.g. creativity, focus, and self-reliance)

  • Create a daily routine that actually works for you

  • Reclaim your natural inclination toward radical self care

  • Connect more deeply with yourself, your community and your purpose

  • Understand and appreciate others from an Ayurvedic perspective

  • Implement strategies that foster collective wellness

  • Relieve stress with simple holistic practices

  • Prevent burnout and foster long-term wellness

  • Live intentionally to create space for strategy and exploration

Program Testimonials

Here's what people are saying about The Art of Work Life Balance

5 star rating

The best communication/interpersonal dynamics course I've...

Haley Myers

I wish I could have taken this course earlier in life, because it contains innumerable valuable takeaways about how to understand and communicate with others...

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I wish I could have taken this course earlier in life, because it contains innumerable valuable takeaways about how to understand and communicate with others! Instructor Molly McConnell conveys an Ayurvedic perspective on this topic thoroughly and thoughtfully. At the end of the course I felt I was able to more effectively communicate in interpersonal situations in my work and community. Further, I was impressed by the format of this course. I've taken a lot of online courses, and Cultivate Balance has honed in on a format that is more adaptable, beautiful and in-depth than any other platform I've used. The worksheets, charts, video lectures, detailed outlines, audio options (so you can listen to lectures podcast-style), reflection questions and quizzes combined for a student experience that felt fully interactive and versatile to suit many learning styles and situations.

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5 star rating

Outstanding course! Well constructed and easy to impleme...

Lisa Graham

Molly is warm, compassionate and compelling. In this course I was impressed by the downloads and resource materials, all of which helped me to build a consi...

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Molly is warm, compassionate and compelling. In this course I was impressed by the downloads and resource materials, all of which helped me to build a consistent and enjoyable daily routine. Establishing an intentional routine has not only helped me use my time better and connect more to my purpose, but it's had a profound impact on my ability to feel more grounded in these difficult times.

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5 star rating

Small Acts of Routine Care

Alexis Hermes

Wow, I feel so supported by this course. Molly is a great guide through these difficult times of trying to keep my balance while working from home. This cour...

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Wow, I feel so supported by this course. Molly is a great guide through these difficult times of trying to keep my balance while working from home. This course inspired me to draw lines between the work I do for pay and the work I do to keep myself well, as they are related! I don't know much about Ayurveda, but I never felt lost in the information. I think as an Ayurveda beginner or expert, this course has content that is understandable and potent. I loved the reflection questions and having the guidance to keep myself accountable to daily acts of routine care to maximize my productivity, health, and mental wellbeing. Thank you so much!

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5 star rating

An incredible resource

Haley Myers

As a freelancer, I have often struggled with how best to organize my various work tasks during the course of a day, from paperwork to creative efforts. This...

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As a freelancer, I have often struggled with how best to organize my various work tasks during the course of a day, from paperwork to creative efforts. This course was exactly what I needed to learn how to understand myself--my work style and energy--in a way that allows me to confidently manage my time and tasks while staying healthy and avoiding burning out. Learning how to balance my schedule from an Ayurvedic perspective has helped me optimize and enjoy my work day and time off more than any other approach I have yet tried, and this course is chalk-full of valuable information and resources about how to do so. I will definitely be continuing on to parts 2 and 3

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5 star rating

So helpful!

Caylin Gans

I have really enjoyed thinking about what I've learned about the doshas in terms of working with others in my community. The way Molly explains it, in terms ...

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I have really enjoyed thinking about what I've learned about the doshas in terms of working with others in my community. The way Molly explains it, in terms of building empathy and understanding, just makes so much sense! The framework is incredibly helpful and has helped me understand my own needs, and the needs of others, and how we can create a working environment that supports us all.

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5 star rating

Let it go

Ladd McConnell

I tend to react to stress in a hasty manner. This course is helping me be present in my daily interactions so I can identify my "stressers". Also I am one ...

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I tend to react to stress in a hasty manner. This course is helping me be present in my daily interactions so I can identify my "stressers". Also I am one week into my daily 20/20/20 technique. My three are exercise, reading and gardening and I am committed to using the time to let go and relax. Its working

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Individual Course Format

Each of the three courses within this program offers the following:

  • 2 engaging video lectures (60+ minutes) — to explore key themes and practices

  • A series of shorter videos for more in-depth guidance and inspiration (5-30 minutes each)

  • 5 invitations for reflection with thought-provoking questions

  • 2 guided breathing exercises — to deepen your experience

  • 2 downloadable audio meditations — to enhance mindfulness

  • 2 quizzes — to test your learning

  • 5+ activities — to engage your process (including checklists and charts for ongoing accountability)

  • 4+ downloads — to support your learning

  • Embedded opportunities for integration with tangible action steps

  • Specific recipes and remedies to try from home

Pay What You Can

Pricing options are available to benefit low income individuals. You can help keep this program available to all by supporting our work to the best of your ability.


Defining The Art of Work Life Balance

What is the art of work life balance?

"Art" — expression of important ideas or feelings

The art of work/life balance is an invitation to live more intentionally. “The art” of this program is demonstrated in the expression of important ideas and feelings that evoke your own creative skill. The way we live our lives is an expression of who we are — we are the active curators of our own experience. How do you want to create/imagine your human experience to breathe more beauty, feeling and purpose into your existence. You are the creator (artist) of your reality (lifestyle). You are the CURATOR. It is your job to put all the pieces together in a way that feels beautiful and interesting to you — in a way that evokes curiosity and ongoing reflection, and speaks to something BIGGER THAN YOU. 

In this program, I will give you the tools to creatively design your lifestyle in a way that is beautiful and meaningful to you.

"Work" — alignment of effort and intentions

While the idea of “work” typically revolves around what you’re doing, I invite you to also consider why you’re doing it. In this program, we will consider how we can better align our efforts (work) with our intentions (purpose) to find more meaning and connection in everyday life. While our work may not always align with our purpose, I encourage you to find ways to weave intentionality into everything that you do. This program will offer opportunities to reflect on the why (intention/purpose) of your actions to understand where there is room for improvement or growth. 

Understanding how our actions align with our intentions helps us fine-tune our way of being to ultimately experience more joy, ease and gratitude.  

“Balance”  — to remain steady

Balance is not actually an end goal, it is an ongoing process — an ebb and flow. A commitment to continue steadying yourself when things get challenging. This program will invite you to develop more tools for steadiness by cultivating deeper resilience. Building a relationship with balance will fortify you in preparation for the inevitable tensions and transformations of being human. This program is not about never going out of balance. It’s about shortening the amount of time that it takes you to realize you’re feeling a little “off,” stressed, or unsteady AND — to do something about it to return a little closer to your center, a little sooner.

Balance is really about maintaining a connection to yourself, your tools, your practices, your purpose. It is the willingness to know ourselves, to be humbled, and to evolve. It is our life’s journey, not the final destination.

Bonus Opportunities

As a participant of The Art of Work Life Balance, you will also have access to...

  • Private Discussion Board

    A place to ask questions and connect with people on a similar journey to yours.

  • Personal Support

    Personalized, one-on-one support with Ayurvedic practitioner and guide, Molly, via private email.

  • Continued Learning

    Recommended reading and listening to stay engaged and inspired outside of the program.



We offer sliding scale through a “pay what you can” model. This is specifically offered to benefit low income individuals/families, those disproportionately affected by the pandemic, students and employees of non-profits. You can help keep this program available to all by supporting our work to the best of your ability. Please email [email protected] to inquire about scholarships.


Throughout the program, you will be encouraged to complete 3-5 lessons and then take a 3+ day break to integrate the material before moving on. If you find a different pace that works for you, please honor that for yourself. The first course in the series will invite you to focus on yourself, building a foundation of radical self care and refined routine. The second course will offer you the opportunity to reflect your experience of relating to others through the lens of Ayurveda. And, the third course, will take you into the more subtle realms of you own mental emotional care. Throughout the entire program, you will be given resources to build your own systems of accountability.

Once enrolled, you have lifetime access to the program material.


Set yourself up for success by creating space in which you can immerse yourself in learning. We suggest that you select and dedicate certain hours of your week to the course. Select times that you will have the attention and energy to listen to the lessons and complete activities such as reflection, worksheets and quizzes. Write your chosen days and times down in your calendar, and prioritize sticking to your schedule over whatever else comes up. As you engage with the content, do your best to remain fully present — don’t have the course playing in the background while you do something else, and don’t attempt to multi-task. This course is your gift to yourself, so take it in with your whole heart. It won’t take much, just a little awareness around the structuring of your day.


Each course within the program contains two primary lectures (60+ minutes each), in which Molly will offer an in depth discussion of key themes and practices. Before and after each lecture, you will be invited sit with a series of reflection questions. You will also be offered multiple opportunities to integrate recommended action steps, based on the material you’ve just engaged with. Each primary lecture will also be accompanied by a corresponding guided breathing exercise (video) and guided meditation or visualization (downloadable audio). 

Throughout the program, you will receive a variety of downloads (checklists, etc.) and activities (worksheets and templates), as well as specific recipes and remedies to try from home! You will get to test your learning after each lecture with a quiz, and you will have the opportunity to post questions into the discussion board as the arise. In addition to all these resources, you will also find recommended reading and listening to deepen your learning beyond this program. 

As you near the end of each course, you will discover thought-provoking bonus material to support ongoing accountability (including additional downloads, videos, and activities). And, if you happen to be engaging in Part 2 (Communication and Appreciation to Cultivate Connection) or Part 3 (Holistic Stress Relief to Make a Deeper Impact), you will also find several yoga classes to relieve stress and enhance your connection to self and others. If you have any questions before you during the course, you can always email [email protected] for direct support.


This program is intended to be inclusive — all racial and gender identities are welcome.


Access to this program (all three courses) begins the moment you enroll.

Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better, do better.

— Maya Angelou

Hello, I'm Molly and I'll be your guide!

Ayurvedic Practitioner, RYT 500, Co-Founder of Cultivate Balance

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Wellness Educator, E-RYT 500 Molly McConnell, AP

Molly is a NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Wellness Educator, and self-proclaimed Self Care Extraordinaire committed to living intentionally and supporting others in their process do the same. She strives to uplift themes of collective wellness and radical self-love in all of her work. With a bachelor’s degree in Women & Gender Studies and more than 2,000 hours of Ayurvedic study and clinical experience at Alandi Gurukula, Molly is a lover of both learning and unlearning. She is humbled to share this ancient wisdom as it intersects with more contemporary themes of feminism, equity and justice.

Once we begin to feel committed to our lives, responsible to ourselves, we can never again be satisfied with the old, passive way.

— Adrienne Riche 

Honoring Ancient Wisdom

It is with deep reverence that we share the wisdom of Ayurveda with you.

Like India herself, the broad collection of knowledge known as Ayurveda has withstood the test of time as well as cultural influence throughout history. Even as India was conquered by outside invaders from the Genghis Khan to the British Raj, Ayurveda continued to be the medicine of choice for most, though at some points had to be practiced in secret. During the British colonial rule, Ayurveda was forbidden beginning in the 1850s. Despite the fact that British botanists unknowingly solidified Vedic knowledge of healing planets through their research, Ayurveda existed only on the peripheral during this time — surviving in underground practices led by family lineages. As India regained independence, Ayurveda was revived in the mainstream and acknowledged by the new government. We are so grateful for all who have kept this ancient wisdom alive. As we share this knowledge you, it's important for us to take a moment to thank those who have taught us. We are grateful to Alakakanda Ma, with whom we both studied in her Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula in Boulder, Colorado. We’d also like to thank Dr. Vasant Lad, Maya Tiwari and Acharya Schunya, from each of whom we gleaned valuable wisdom, insights and recipes.

Do you know someone who would really appreciate this program?

Give the The Art of Work Life Balance as a gift.

Email [email protected] for more information on how to enroll your loved one in The Art of Work Life Balance.